Our process

This interactive map outlines our process. Hover over the area of interest for more information

Our process
Submission of your manuscript Funding Agencies Peer review Peer Review Report Repositories Institutions Libraries

Submission of your manuscript

Submit via our own intake system or via bioRxiv. Make sure you choose the PeerPremier option available on their website. We strongly encourage authors to use our MS Word and PDF submission template. You will not be charged at the time of submission

Funding Agencies

Authors paid for the reviews and therefore own them. They can choose what to do next with their peer reviewed manuscript. They can provide their peer reviewed work to funding agencies to support their application or provide them after the project is completed.

Peer review

Once we receive your manuscript, we will make sure all required information is available. We will also check the quality of the submission. NOTE: We reserve the right to reject manuscripts that are of insufficient quality (presentation, writing, formatting etc.). We do not desk reject manuscripts based on content.

Your manuscript will be sent to 3 qualified reviewers and peer reviewed using a detailed and comprehensive rubric, containing both qualitative and quantitative information

We guarantee a one week turn around from the beginning of the peer review process. Reviewers will receive their fee if they complete the review within that time frame.

Peer Review Report

Authors receive a compiled reviewer report after paying the fee of $1,100 USD. It contains averages and coefficients of variance on over 20 quantitative measures as well as detailed description of the issues raised. All reviewers comment on the same subjects but also have an opportunity to expand on any additional issues.

Authors are allowed one round of revision at no additional charge. This process is interactive, presenting the issues raised to the author and giving them an opportunity to respond and make corrections. NOTE: Authors can forfeit this additional round of revision but reviewers are committed to providing a second round of feedback.


Authors paid for the reviews and therefore own them. They can choose what to do next with their peer reviewed manuscript.

  1. Upload your manuscript to bioRxiv or add the peer reviewed manuscript to the pre-print if you submitted their manuscript to bioRxiv
  2. Submit the peer reviewed manuscript to your University library for publication
  3. Submit the peer reviewed manuscript to funding agencies
  4. Submit the peer reviewed manuscript to a journal along with the peer reviews. NOTE: we do not endorse or work with any journal


Authors can submit their peer reviewed manuscript to their Department or Institute for tenure and promotion evaluations, progress assessment to private research institutes or government organization.


Authors can submit their peer reviewed manuscript to their library and make it available both internally and externally as they see fit.